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On this page is a scrollable list of relevant case law, together with a key outcome or principle.

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Amec v Secretary of State for Transport 2004
What is a dispute - Mr Justice Jackson's seven propositions.
Amec v Secretary of State for Transport 2005
What is a dispute - broad acceptance of Jackson J's seven propositions.
Bexheat v Essex Services 2022
Payer must satisfy "notified sum" payment obligations before starting "true value" adjudication.
Blackpool & Fylde Aero Club v Blackpool BC 1990
Where a tenderer submits a conforming tender, there is a contractual right for it to be considered.
Blue Circle v Holland Dredging 1987
Bird sanctuary island works were not a variation to the main dredging contract.
Costain v Bechtel 2005
Obligations and duties of a project manager under the NEC form of contract.
Davy Offshore v Emerald 1992
If and when an employer is obliged to exercise their power to order variations.
Elements (Europe) v FK Building 2023
Service of notice - "days" and "clear days" distinguished, and thoughts on "site working hours".
Emson Eastern v EME Developments 1991
Practical completion - a contribution.
Fairclough v Port Talbot 1992
Duty to honestly consider tenders unless there were reasonable grounds for not doing so.
Manor Asset v Demolition Services 2016
Payment agreed within 72 hours of invoice - effect on prescribed period for pay less notice.
Mears v Costplan 2018
Practical completion revisited and irremediable defects considered.
Mears v Costplan 2019
Practical completion revisited and irremediable defects considered.
Merton v Leach 1985
Implied terms of prevention and cooperation.
Nevill HW (Sunblest) v Wm Press 1982
Practical completion - a contribution.
Nye Saunders v Bristow 1987
an architect was negligent for failing to warn about inflation.
Pearce v Baxter 1999
Defects rectification - measure of damages
West Faulkner Associates v Newham LBC
The meaning of "regularly and diligently".
Westminster City Council v Jarvis 1970
Practical completion defined.
Woodlands Oak v Conwell 2011
Defects rectification and mitigation of loss revisited
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